Tag: hillary clinton (page 30)
It's the talk of the town:
- Chicago Tribune
- Associated Press
Clinton, clad in scarlet, crossed the aisle between their seats on the House floor and reached out a hand to greet Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Democratic icon whose endorsement she had courted only to lose it to Obama. Kennedy shook her hand while Obama, wearing a dark suit and standing between the two, turned away.
Obama stood icily staring at Clinton during this, then turned his back and stepped a few feet away. Kennedy may've wanted to make peace with Clinton but Obama clearly wanted no part of that.The sense in the press gallery was that Obama didn't cover himself in glory. Someone even used the word "childish." (Not this writer.) Judging by how much conversation there was about this brush off in the press gallery, Americans will be hearing a lot more about this tomorrow and in coming days.
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The Kennedy family is not united in its support for Barack Obama. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend issued a statement today:
Update: Ted Kennedy and his son Patrick Kennedy say they will campaign around the country for Barack Obama."I respect Caroline and Teddy's decision but I have made a different choice. While I admire Senator Obama greatly, I have known Hillary Clinton for over 25 years and have seen first hand how she gets results. As a woman, leader, and person of deep convictions, I believe Hillary Clinton would make the best possible choice for president.
She shares so many of the concerns of my father. Hillary has spent a lifetime speaking out on behalf of the powerless and working to alleviate poverty, in our country and around the world. I have seen her work up close and know she will be a great President. At this moment when so much is at stake at home and overseas, I urge our fellow Americans to support Hillary Clinton. That is why my brother Bobby, my sister Kerry, and I are supporting Hillary Clinton."
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Via Christy at Firedoglake:
Hillary Clinton will be in the Senate tomorrow to vote "no" on cloture on the Intel version of the FISA bill. The vote is scheduled to take place at 4:30 pm tomorrow.
Will Obama show? Christy is waiting to hear from his campaign -- He has a 4:00 pm fundraiser scheduled in D.C.
Update from Jane at FDL: The Obama campaign confirms that Senator Obama will also be in the Senate tomorrow to vote "no" on cloture. I've added his name to the title of this post.
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This video of Hillary hugging two shrieking middle-aged female fans, who in a post-hug interview (at 58 seconds in) act like it's 1964, they are 13 and just met the Beatles, is hilarious.
If they are representative of the commitment of female voters over 50 to Hillary, and I suspect they are, they are going to give Obama's youth voters a run for their money.
I hope you watch it, it's a good laugh before turning off the computer after a long, dismal night of the worst television reporting and commenting in recent memory.
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Hillary is speaking from Nashville, Tennessee. Chelsea is with her. (Update: Video here.)
She talks about "Fighting for a new future for America."
She congratulates Obama and thanks the people of South Carolina. After that, she says now the eyes of the country turn to Tennessee and the Feb. 5 states...including Florida.
She says the crowd is bigger than they anticipated. She wants to continue the conversation she started a year ago. She wants the election to be about the next generation and the young people.
Her voice drops, she's really hoarse. She's speaking very conversationally, CNN cuts her off, saying she's into her "stump speech" and says you can finish watching her on cnn's website.
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Showing a little more class than Obama last week when he lost Nevada, Hillary Clinton released a statement saying she called Obama to congratulate him.
"I have called Senator Obama to congratulate him and wish him well.
"Thank you to the people of South Carolina who voted today and welcomed me into their homes over the last year. Your stories will stay with me well beyond this campaign and I am grateful for the support so many of you gave to me.
"We now turn our attention to the millions of Americans who will make their voices heard in Florida and the twenty-two states as well as American Samoa who will vote on February 5th.
"In the days ahead, I’ll work to give voice to those who are working harder than ever to be heard. For those who have lost their job or their home or their health care, I will focus on the solutions needed to move this country forward. That’s what this election is about. It’s about our country, our hopes and dreams. Our families and our future."
Hillary says it's on to Florida and the Feb. 5 states. Keep in mind, Florida is different than Michigan because all three candidates are on the ballots, regardless of whether their delegates get seated or not.
Bill Clinton is speaking now in Missouri and also congratulates Obama. He says Obama won fair and square but now it's on to the states with the big numbers.
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Beginning now, Big Tent Democrat and I are live-blogging the South Carolina Primary results and the media coverage of them. I'll be concentrating on the results and the demographics and electoral storylines. Big Tent will focus on the media coverage.
We're using a new platform, I described it here, and to make it wider, I've put it below the fold. Just click on the "there's more" link and join us. If you want to come back to it, here's the permalink for you to bookmark.
Here we go. [More...]
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Hillary Clinton released a statement today asking her delegates to support the seating of the Michigan and Florida delegates at the DNC in Denver.
She also says she will abide by the no-campaign pledge the candidates signed and expects the other candidates to do so as well.
"I believe our nominee will need the enthusiastic support of Democrats in these states to win the general election, and so I will ask my Democratic convention delegates to support seating the delegations from Florida and Michigan. I know not all of my delegates will do so and I fully respect that decision. But I hope to be President of all 50 states and U.S. territories, and that we have all 50 states represented and counted at the Democratic convention. "I hope my fellow potential nominees will join me in this.
"I will of course be following the no-campaigning pledge that I signed, and expect others will as well."
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Another Hillary Clinton endorsement, this time from the Sun News in Myrtle Beach, S.C. It sounds like the paper's views are normally Republican. And, while it's endorsing her for the Democratic nomination, it's not endorsing her for President.
There are some things about Clinton and the other Democratic candidates we don't like: their view that the best way to create universal health care is a big new government entitlement program; their belief that new federal spending of many kinds is the path to a more prosperous, happier America. As for soaking "the rich" with tax increases, that only dries up private investment, the true path to greater prosperity.
Nonetheless, as to Hillary, it says: [More...]
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This is big. The New York Times has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President. It's no tepid endorsement. It "strongly recommends" her candidacy.
Big Tent Democrat just e-mailed me and said the endorsement sounds like something I would have written. Let's take a look.
First, it describes the top contenders.
Hillary Clinton, the brilliant if at times harsh-sounding senator from New York; and Barack Obama, the incandescent if still undefined senator from Illinois. The remaining long shot, John Edwards, has enlivened the race with his own brand of raw populism.
Then, it rules out John Edwards:
The former senator from North Carolina has repudiated so many of his earlier positions, so many of his Senate votes, that we’re not sure where he stands. We certainly don’t buy the notion that he can hold back the tide of globalization.
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A post-debate South Carolina Reuters-Zogby poll was released today. Obama is still ahead, but his lead has narrowed and Edwards has gained.
Obama's lead fell 3 points overnight to give him a 39 percent to 24 percent edge over Clinton in South Carolina, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Thursday.
Edwards, a former senator from neighboring North Carolina, climbed four points to reach 19 percent -- within striking distance of Clinton and second place.
Obama's drop is among black voters -- and Hillary gained two points with them. Among white voters:
Edwards held a slight lead over Clinton among likely white voters at 35 percent to 32 percent. Obama had 19 percent.
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Hillary Clinton is on her way to Salinas, California where she will receive the endorsement of the United Farm Workers, founded by Cesar Chavez.
Clinton is wheels up to California, where she’s set to pick up a major endorsement from the United Farm Workers of America — founded by legendary Latino organizer Cesar Chavez. The union backing only strengthens her already rock-solid support among Hispanics.
It is expected that 5,000 will attend the event.
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